Care Navigation

Care Navigation


New ways for your local GP practice to help you get to the right support.


Across County Durham, all GP practices want to make sure their patients are seen quickly by the right healthcare professional. We know that when you are not feeling well you just want to feel better quickly.


Practice staff have received specialist training developed by clinicians, to help them provide you with information about choices you have to see an appropriate person for your healthcare needs. Sometimes a GP isn’t the best person to see. Within your GP practice for example a Practice Nurse (for matters including dressings, immunisations or ear syringes) or a Nurse Practitioner (who can examine, diagnose and prescribe) may be better. You could also be directed to a healthcare professional in the community such as a community pharmacist, optician or sexual health nurse.


So shortly, when you contact the practice, our receptionist staff may ask you a few questions to help navigate you to the best person to help you quickly. They won’t try to diagnose your problem, but you may need to tell them a little bit about why you are calling. You don’t’ have to of course, the choice is yours and you can always still request to see your GP, but you may be able to be seen faster by someone who is able to provide the right care for you using ‘Care Navigation’ to help.

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